Correct User

Collapse Content

Now that we added filters for signed_in users, we need to set up authorization for the correct user. You don't want every signed_in user to be able to edit any other user's posts!


First, let's make sure the controller actions are protected, with the following line of code:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :correct_user, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] 

This will run the method correct_user before accessing those actions.

Q: What is this method correct_user?
A: It's a method we will write now. On the bottom of your controller page, create a new method below the keyword private. This will mark it as a private method only for internal controller usage.

  #... controller methods

    def correct_user


Now fill in the method so it checks if the current_user is the post's user.

correct_user code

View - Helpers

Now we need to make sure the "Edit" and "Destroy" links only get displayed to the correct user. Remove those links from the index page, since they're not needed there. Let's wrap those links on the posts/show page like we did with the "New Post" link:


<% if correct_user?(@post) %>
    <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(@post) %>
    <%= link_to 'Destroy', @post, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>
<% end %>

Now we just need to create the method correct_user?. Methods that are used by views are called helper methods and are placed in helper files. In this case, the method may be used by different parts of the site, so let's place it in the file ApplicationHelper:


module ApplicationHelper
  def correct_user?(post)
    return post.user == current_user

This method only returns true of the user of the given post is the same as the current_user. You can now check your page from two different accounts to see if the edit links show up correctly.

Your basic blog app is now ready! You should now be able to identify the different parts of the Rails app in the machine below:

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