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To finish up your grading software, you would like to find the most common grade, or the mode. Each grade will be an integer from 1 to 5. For example, given {1,2,3,1}, you should print 1 (on its own line).

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  • /**
    Basically the idea is to compare each value for an index against
    //all the values of the rest of indexes, so basically staying fixed
    //on one index (i) while iterating through the next (j), an example is

  • Please update with a second hint with further insight!

  • @David, it looks like your code needs some fixes. E.g. do you reset count for each number...
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  • Admin,

    Thanks much for your prompt answer, i wasn't resetting the counter, now my mind is more aware for that in the future... At the end i ended up thinking inside the box {1 to 5} rather than outside {random amount of numbers} to fit to this exercise....

    Thanks and best regards.

  • a solution , this was very hard!

    my code

  • Can I get another hint on this one I've tried to create another array but I'm not sure about how to keep track of the mode. Thanks

  • @Bernard, all the grades are integers 1 to 5, any way to keep track of them? A solution would be to create an array of size 6 where the index represents the grade and the value represents that

  • I thought about this earlier but dismissed it , can you have two loops going at the same time, a loop within a loop is what I mean?

  • You can have nested loops (one loops inside another), but that's not used in the hinted-to solution, which uses two separate loops. (You can solve it another way if you prefer.)

  • So I understand that the zeros in the new array are just empty slots right? I still don't understand how you select the number that repeats the most. So far I've done...

    int [] a= new int [6];
        for(int b=0;b<a.length-1;b++){
            int c=ar[b];
  • Your displayed code above doesn't actually do anything. The goal is to have an array at the end that contains the frequency of each number (1-5) from the original array. You can then go through

  • int[] an = new int [6];// an ={0,0,0,0,0,0}
        int c=0;
        int d=ar.length-1; 
  • Java doesn't provide a built-in method for printing an Array's contents. You can either use an ArrayList of create your own method like this one:

    static void printArray(int[] ar){
      for(int n: ar)
        System.out.print(n+" ");
  • int[] an = new int [6];// an ={0,0,0,0,0,0}
        int c=0;
        int d=ar.length-1; 
    1. Once Java reaches a true statement in an if-else-if block, it stops checking the remaining else-if statements (they're only checked if the previous statements were false, that's why it says "else if").
    2. Any code inside a while-loop can change the value of any variable, including any code in an if-statement.
  • I understand now, I never would have thought of that , especially not knowing about the +=. Just some feedback I feel like the lessons sometimes jump from do able to extremely hard. I feel like

  • what does this error mean?
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
    at Main.doStuff(
    at Main.main(

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