Towers of Hanoi - Part 2
We just covered the Towers of Hanoi for Case 1 and Case 2, let's return to 3 disks. Can you describe an algorithm to move the 3 disks from a starting peg to the goal peg? You can refer back to solved cases when needed.
- Move the top 2 disks to the intermediate peg. How? Refer to Case 2.
- Move the bottom Disk to the Goal Peg. (See case 1)
- Move the 2 disks from the intermediate peg to the goal peg. How? Refer to Case 2.
Now that we've covered 1, 2 and 3 disks, can you figure out an algorithm for solving the towers of Hanoi for any number of N disks?
- Move the top N-1 disks to the intermediate peg. How? Refer to Case N-1.
- Move the bottom Disk to the Goal Peg. (See case 1)
- Move the N-1 disks from the intermediate peg to the goal peg. How? Refer to Case N-1.
To solve it for N disks, you just move N-1 disks off. How do you move them? Refer to N-1-1. How do you solve that? Just refer to the case below that... Keep on going until you reach a base case. Then the results will return up the stack and you'll get a complete answer.
Sound familiar? This is similar to how Factorial was calculated, and is a classic case of Recursion. In this case recursion is crucial, since it would be quite difficult to follow the same algorithm without it.
Create a program that solves the tower of Hanoi. You will be given one number as input - the number of disks on Peg 1. Create and call a method that prints out the correct steps to solve the puzzle.
Output Format:
Print the peg to move from, an arrow "->", and the peg to move to. For example, to move from peg 1 to peg 3, print:
Print all the steps for a given case on its own line.
Create a program that solves the Towers of Hanoi and prints out the solution.
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Feb 13, 8:49 AMAlthough I know the process of solution to the problem, I can't figure out how to transform into program. Could anyone give me some hint of how to program it?
Feb 13, 7:54 PMYou can view the beginning of a solution here. The comments there can help guide you to a full solution.
Feb 13, 8:32 PMThanks, I have finished the challenge with your hint.
Aug 16, 5:43 PM