曾國峻 I needed to keep track of the index and pass it back up the recursion to solve it. Because each time the binary search needed to look at the > side of the array, the index forgets about the lower half of the array. Here is my solution in Ruby:
def index_match(ar, index=0)
mid = ar.length/2
actual_index = mid + index
if ar[mid] == actual_index
return actual_index
elsif ar.length == 1
return -1
elsif ar[mid] < mid
index_match(ar[(mid + 1)..-1], actual_index + 1)
# here is where we check the > side of the array, and need to pass the index to keep track of it (or it keeps returning to 0)
else # ar[mid] > mid
index_match(ar[0..(mid - 1)], index)
Feb 14, 10:04 PMI have implemented binary search by recursion.
Here is my code:
static void doStuff(int[] ar){
//your code here
int low = 0;
int high = ar.length-1;
static int find(int low,int high,int[] ar,int i){
int mid = (low+high)/2;
I can't figure out what wrong with it.
Could anyone can give me some advices?
May 10, 9:13 AM曾國峻 I needed to keep track of the index and pass it back up the recursion to solve it. Because each time the binary search needed to look at the > side of the array, the index forgets about the lower half of the array. Here is my solution in Ruby:
def index_match(ar, index=0)
Sep 4, 3:05 PMBetter to solve without recursion. maybe can be a bit more elegant, but works.