Control Structures

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If Statement

In Ruby, the if statement uses if and end with an optional else or elsif.

energy = 4
if energy > 5
  puts "Great!"
elsif energy == 4
  puts "OK"
  puts "Uh Oh!"

Since energy is 4, the code prints out "OK".

Ruby Loops

The while loop follows this format:

while condition
   #do stuff here

For example:

counter = 1
while counter <= 5
  puts "iteration #{counter}"
  counter += 1

...which prints:

iteration 1
iteration 2
iteration 3
iteration 4
iteration 5

The for loop in Ruby can go through a collection, such as a range, array or hash. It uses the syntax

for item in collection
   #do stuff with item

For example, you can use a for loop and range to print out the same output as before with less code:

for counter in 1..5
  puts "iteration #{counter}"
iteration 1
iteration 2
iteration 3
iteration 4
iteration 5

This code printed went through the numbers from 1 to 5 in a range.


What will the code print out if energy was 10?

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You will be given an array of numbers ar. Use print to print each number in the array in the order it appears, unless the number is a multiple of 3. If a number is a multiple of 3, print no3 instead. (You do not need to add spacing when you print.)

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