Yield Block

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Here is a simple method that doesn't do much:

def take_block
    puts "before block"
    puts "after block"


The last line calls the method take_block which prints the following output:

before block
after block

Pretty boring. But we'll see how it can get more interesting.


You know that you can pass variables (such as 3 or "hello") to other methods, but Ruby also lets you pass around pieces of code! The common way to do those is with a block,* a piece of code marked with do and the beginning and end at the end.

This code below calls take_block again, but passes it a block of code:

#method that takes block
def take_block
    puts "before block"
    puts "after block"

# call method and pass it a block
take_block do
    puts "i am block"   

This will print out the following:

before block
i am block
after block

Notice how the method take_block now has a line that says yield. This calls the block that was passed into the method. Ruby on Rails uses a similar structure to create web pages. A general layout page stores the content shown on every page, and it calls yield to run the code of a specific page. See the challenge below for a simplified version of this.

Blocks can be surrounded with curly braces {} instead of do and end:

take_block { puts "i am block" } 

This is usually used when the block's code fits on one line.

*A block is similar to lambdas found in other languages.


The code below passed a block to a template function that still needs to be written. Create a function below called template that prints the word "start", then yields a block passed to it, and then prints the word "end".

(Don't print any newlines.)

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