Submitting Your Results

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Once you pass all the tests, it's time to submit your code. You can also submit your code even without passing all the tests. However, you are not allowed to change the actual test cases.

Submitting Your Code

  1. Once you've complete your app, run rake test. Adjust your code until all the tests pass.
  2. git commit your code and push it to your Bitbucket repo.
  3. Once the contest is almost over, go to your own Bitbucket project page, to pull requests -> create pull request. Add any notes you think are necessary. Submit your pull request to the original repository.
  4. Once the contest is over, go to your project's Bitbucket settings and make it public by un-checking "This is a private repository". If you don't want it to be public, go to "Settings" -> "Access Management" and add [email protected] as a contributor.

Share the URL of your pull request below.

Publishing Your Site

Once you've completed your project, push it to Heroku. If you already have Heroku setup, you can just run heroku create on your command line, and then git push heroku master. Share the Heroku URL of your web app below.


What is the URL of your pull request?

Please sign in or sign up to submit answers.

Alternatively, you can try out Learneroo before signing up.


What is the URL of your live website?

Please sign in or sign up to submit answers.

Alternatively, you can try out Learneroo before signing up.

Contact Us
Sign in or email us at [email protected]