CSS Reference

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Here's a short description to many CSS properties, along with some examples, and links to further documentation.



You can specify one value for all 4 borders:

border-width: 2px;

or use 2 values for horizontal-vertical:

border-width: 2px 10px;

or 4 values for top right bottom left:

border-width: 2px 2em 5px 1em;

When not differentiating between the 4 borders, it's simpler to use the shorthand border property.

You can also specify a specific border side in its own rule, by adding a direction after the word border, such as border-top-width or border-left-color.

  • border-width - set the border width, such as 2px or 0.1em
  • border-color - set the border color, such as green or #8BC2D9
  • border-style - set the border style, such as solid, dotted or dashed
  • border - shorthand to set the above 3 properties

CSS 3 properties:


  • color - Sets the text color of an HTML element. (See Color value for possible values.)
  • opacity - sets how opaque an element is, from 0 (transparent) to 0.5 (translucent) to 1 (fully opaque, the default).


  • text-align - control how text is aligned, such as left, right, center or justify
  • text-decoration - set a text decoration to underline, overline or line-through. Can also set color and style of line.
  • text-indent - set indentation of first line of text
  • text-transform - change capitalization of text
  • vertical-align - set vertical alignment of a box
  • letter-spacing - set spacing between characters
  • word-spacing - set spacing between words
  • white-space - set how whitespace in the HTML element is handled (or ignored)
  • direction - set the direction of the text

CSS 3 properties:

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