- Introduction to Challenges
- Insertion Sort 1
- Insertion Sort Itself
- Correctness and the Loop Invariant
- Running Time
Counting Sort 1 - Simple Counting Sort
- Prepare for Full Counting Sort
- The Full Counting Sort
QuickSort1 - Simple Quick Sort
- Quick-Sort Advanced
- Quick Sort Running Time
Input Format for standard Sorting Challenges:
- t - the number of test cases
- s - the size of the array
- ar - the list of integers
Insertion Sort Itself
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In Insertion Sort Part 1, you sorted one element into an array. Using the same approach repeatedly, can you sort an entire unsorted array?
Output: In this challenge print the array every time an element is “inserted” into the array in (what is currently) its correct place (even if it doesn't move). Begin printing from the second element and on.
Can you print the steps of Insertion Sort?
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