Resources to Learn Programming
It's better to learn by doing than to passively read or watch content, so I selected interactive websites, books and courses to teach programming. Start by going through an online tutorial, but its also a good idea to have a resource to learn more with and reference later. See All Learneroo Modules to practice challenges in all these language. Below are resources for specific languages.
Interactive Resources by Language
(*Not free. )
Online Debugging
You can visually debug your Java, Python and JavaScript code online at You can debug Ruby code at Ruby Tutor. Note that your browser also provide tools for debugging JavaScript. See your browser developer tools in
Chrome, Firefox or IE.
I originally created this chart in Nov. 2012 for my blog and it was well-received. Chart updated February 2015.
Samuel Escandon
May 6, 2:16 PMInformative
May 20, 11:31 AMactually, very good
Jun 16, 10:36 AMsuperb
Saumya Tiwari
Aug 8, 11:10 AMsuperb
Oct 9, 10:35 PMthank you very much, this is a great site overall
Oct 31, 1:01 PMAWESOME