Learneroo Ruby Coding Contest

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Contest is Completed, but you can still solve the challenges.

Code & Win Big Prizes!

Solve general, Ruby, and Rails programming challenges on Learneroo and win prizes. This contest contains a mix of practical programming challenges so developers of all stripes can enjoy it. After the contest, you can optionally get matched with top developer jobs!

Go to the Live Updates Page to see the links to the contest challenges and start solving them!

(Also, make sure to sign up for Bitbucket to do the Rails challenge and be eligible for prizes!)


Awards subject to change. Award process subject to the discretion of Learneroo.

1st Place - $599

2nd Place - $300

3rd place - $150

Bonus Prizes

for runner-ups, best beginner and raffle winners:


Receive free perks for your Rails app just for participating in this contest! Besides the free Learneroo trial, get error-tracking with Rollbar or app metrics with Skylight.


Atlassian Bitbucket
Git and Mercurial code management for teams

RubyMine logo
The Most Intelligent Ruby and Rails IDE

Do you have a product or service for Ruby developers? Are you interested in hiring top talent? Consider sponsoring the Learneroo Ruby Coding Contest. Email [email protected] for more info.


  • When's the contest? The contest took place on September 06, 2015.
  • Where will it take place? The contest will happen on Learneroo.com and is open to anyone in the world.
  • I don't know that much ruby/rails/algorithms. Should I still participate?
    Yes. The contest will contain a mix of different coding challenges, so everyone can participate, and there will be many prizes! You can get an idea of contest challenges on the next two pages. If you don't know Ruby or Rails, look at Learn Ruby and the Ruby on Rails Tutorials before the contest begins.
  • How do I stay notified about the contest?
    Besides solving the challenge below, follow @arikrak on Twitter!

Practice Challenge

Solve this simple challenge to get used to the challenge format. You need to process input from the Standard Input (STDIN) and print your solution to the Standard Output (STDOUT). You are provided with boilerplate code which processes the input and passes it to the method do_stuff.

In the contest challenges, you can click on "Run Sample Input" to see your results on the displayed input, but you need to click on "Run Contest Input" to pass the challenge.

You will be given two integers as input a and b. Multiply all the numbers in the range from a to b (inclusive) together and print out their product. For example, if given 3 and 5, print out 60 (3*4*5).

The first line will contain t, the number of test cases. t lines follow, which each contain 2 numbers a and b. The numbers are all greater than -100 and less than 100.

Output the product of each range of integers on its own line.

More Practice
After solving this challenge, get more practice by solving the next two challenges to create an Automaton and a Rails Console!


Print out the product of all the numbers from a through b.

Please sign in or sign up to submit answers.

Alternatively, you can try out Learneroo before signing up.


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Contact Us
Sign in or email us at [email protected]