Contest Scoring
Each of the Coding Challenges is worth 10 points, for a total of 60 points. The Rails Challenge is worth 30 points if all the tests pass, but partial credit for it will also be given. The scoring for any bonus Ruby challenges will be announced when such challenges are released.
In the case of exact ties, the user who submitted less contest submissions will take priority. All awards subject to the discretion of Learneroo judge(s).
Note: No cheating allowed! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or on Twitter.
Monetary prizes will be awarded within 35 days of contest, but are subject to the discretion of the contest sponsor and Learneroo.
Additional Prizes
Raffle Prize
We also plan to offer additional prizes based on random drawings. To qualify, you must sign up for Bitbucket and solve at least one contest challenge (or pass at least some of the Rails tests).
Monday Prize:
Need more time? We plan to offer some of the prizes to participants who do well by Monday 10pm.
Beginner prize:
Did you only start programming in the last 6 months? Email [email protected] to let us know, and you may be eligible for a beginner prize!