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Archers on all sides...

It helps to be able to see more than one Space in advance. explorer can now look to get an array of up to 3 Spaces. It will default to 3 Spaces ahead, but it can can also take a Direction parameter:

Space[] back = explorer.look(Direction.LEFT);
Space[] ahead = explorer.look(Direction.RIGHT);

In fact, the methods walk, getSpace, look and poke can each take in a direction parameter (either Direction.RIGHT or Direction.LEFT). If no Direction is passed in, they will default to Direction.RIGHT.


Explorer methods


  • walk() - Moves the explorer forward (to the right) one Space.
  • poke() - Pokes the next space, causing damage to any Enemy there.
  • recharge() - Adds 9 to health.


  • look() - Returns an Array of up to 3 Spaces in the designated Direction.
  • getSpace() - Returns the next Space on the board.
  • getHealth() - returns the value of health.

Space methods

  • isEnemy() - returns true if the Space contains an Enemy, and false otherwise.
  • isWall() - returns true if the Space contains a Wall, and false otherwise.



Reach the Goal while surrounded by Archers!

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