Routes Controller View Reference
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Rails Server
Enter the following command in your terminal to start your app's server:
rails server
On cloud9:
rails server -b $IP -p $PORT
get 'path', to: 'controller#action'
Here's a standard route that maps /about
to the store controller's about
get 'about', to: 'store#about'
Root route:
root to: 'store#home'
Multiple standard routes can be created in one line:
resources :products
git and Heroku
Add files to git
git add .
- Adds everything to git.git commit -m "message about feature"
- Commits your changes to git.
git push heroku master
- pushed your updated code to Heroku.heroku run rake db:migrate
- runs database migrations on your Heroku site.-
heroku run console
- run the Rails console on your Heroku app.
A controller controls access to an application and makes data available to the view.
rails g controller Store home
- generates a Store controller with a home
action and associated files.
class StoreController < ApplicationController
def home
@title = "Automated Store"
is now available for the view file to use (home.html.erb).
Usually, the controller makes data from the model available to the view. For example:
def index
@products = Product.all
The view folders consist of html.erb page templates that are processed and sent to the user. Each template can contain Ruby code to display data from the controller.
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